

Monday, September 23, 2013

Thing # 15...Wiki this

Welcome to the wiki revolution

Everyone's go to is Wikipedia.  Back in the day it was Cliff's Notes and then the For Dummies series, which involved acquiring and opening a book. Now we can just about find the answer or explanation to almost anything in a matter of seconds. There are so many wikis, so many places to look, and so much information.

I am a bit concerned about the editability of Wikipedia so I would generally cross-reference any material I find there. I have not experienced education in the age of the wiki answer, but I do know that Wikipedia is not a referable source. It is a great place to do a quick background check or clarification of information on topics which befuddle you.

I never thought that there were so many wikis, and I never knew that anyone can make their own. The wikis in plain English video clarified the pragmatic use of editable wikis. I never knew that this application existed, even though I was aware that Wikipedia was editable. I do like the concept of a sandbox wiki where people can build on each other's ideas.

I would like to set up a wiki in my classroom where students can share their ideas about literature. Perhaps people have ideas about certain books or characters. Other students may be reminded of similar characters. Students can share any position on any literature or fictional characters as long as they can contribute adequate, substantial information. We could use the entries in the wiki for discussion in class. I always thought the best teachers were the ones that would allow us to make any connections, fostering our imaginations and creativities by abolishing limitations on our thinking.

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