The name of my blog intends to show where I'm reporting from; my little chunk of the world which is probably much different from that of most of the students in my class. I have several kids. I have owned a pizzeria. I have audited taxes for the IRS. I have 2 pet goats. I just found my 1/2 brother. I have been out of college since 1994. I have lived!
The setup was easy enough my cat could do it. Really, look out, you may see a blog from one of my cats. Hopefully they don't try to hack this one.
My avatar does not not resemble me. She is a younger version of me, but much blonder. She has had several extra shots of expresso in her coffee, hence enlarging her head which is ready to blow.
Avatar me loves coffee and New York (my home for many years), just like me. That shirt was well worth the two free Doppleme coins I had to glad I took the time to search through the wardrobe, too. Her jeans are hideous, but they are a shout out to my mom who would love them. This I know because they resemble my K-4 wardrobe, before I gathered the sense to say oh #$%* no!
I think that giving students the opportunity to set up a blog in the Language Arts classroom would be a fun activity versus having them record a daily entry into a paper journal. Since so many kids lives revolve around social media it would be something they would look forward to doing. I do find this blogging thing quite easy, kind of like that stream of conscious writing exercise we all are made to do in junior high. I think the biggest problem I will encounter in this project is figuring out when to shut up!
I found myself laughing out loud at the dry and sarcastic humor you included in your writing, especially at the description of your avatar as a highly caffeinated with a head ready to explode :) I used my 2 free Doppleme coins but had the bright idea to buy some eyelashes which turned out to be hideously long and spider like looking and did not make it on my avatar. I'm glad that your coins when to a shirt you liked and ended up using!